Thursday, March 19, 2009

Spring Break 2

Yesturday after the children's museum, my mom, sister, and I went to the rodeo to see Gary Allen. My mom loves Gary Allen-she has ever since he made his debut in 1995! So, in honor of my mom, I've added a couple of his songs to my playlist. I had a lot of fun...and I got to cheat on my diet with a YUMMY dinner!

Me and Alisha at dinner before the concert

Alisha and Mom at the concert

Me and Mark at dinner before the concert

One another note, we're trying to get the grass in the backyard to grow, I thought I would water it. I put Bandit and Peaches outside thinking they wouldn't mess with the sprinkler...I was wrong!
Peaches attacking the sprinkler while Bandit watches!

Bandit hiding from the sprinkler!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funny video Jen!! I love to hear the kiddos laughing! Seems like all is well. Miss you chick!