We have a lot going on this month. Austin prayed to accept Christ in July and has finally finished his "First steps" class to be baptized. He will be baptized on September 20- an event we are very excited about. I am the mommy that cries every time I see a baptism video, with hopes that one day my kids will be baptized! He also mentioned the other day that when he grows up, he wants to travel the world to sing songs about God!! This one I find funny, because anyone that truly knows Austin, knows how much he LOVES to sing! Abi followed Austin in saying "when I grow up, I want to be a ballerina and dance to songs about God." They are definitely into trying to top each other these days. I can't wait until they outgrow it...?
We have had some slow moments too. We try to have a family movie night every so often. We have been waiting patiently for The Wizards of Waverly Place movie to come out on the Disney channel. It finally did, so of course, family movie night!!!! And as you can see...Abi is a Daddy's girl! Also, funny story, the kids and I were driving in the car. Abi asked for a wet wipe (I keep a pack of the wet ones in the car!). I was thinking she had something sticky on her hands or something...no, we get out of the car and I realized she had used the wipe to apply a HUGE temporary tattoo on her forearm! That kid...
Abi and Mark Austin
I am still anticipating my payment for my GI Bill for school. I am trying not to stress about it, but I had to pay out of pocket for my books...something I was hoping I wouldn't have to do! I wish I had control of the situation, or could at least contribute to fixing it!!! It's frustrating just waiting...on the VA...to come through!
I'll leave you with a line from the song stuck in my head..."Greater things have yet to come, greater things are still to be done in this cityyyyyyyyy... There is no one like our God, there is no one like our God."
I cry at every baptism service too! It's so exciting that Austin's will be soon!
Super excited about Austin's new walk with God! That has to be so exciting for you guys! Miss you!
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